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Sanggle-Fit, to automatically adjust your saddle angle while riding

Sanggle-Fit, to automatically adjust your saddle angle while riding
Brand Creven CO.LTD.
Payment L/C
Country of sale CN,HK,DE,US,VN,SA,MM,MA,MY
Price 35.0 35.0
Lead Time inquiry to company inquiry to company
Email flexcy07@flexcy.com

Uses a patented device that can adjust the bike's saddle angle to -15 degrees.

-Patent applications made in the United States / Germany / Japan / Taiwan

-Sangle-Fit trademark applies to the United States/ Taiwan







The main factors in back pain and, muscle fatigue are not only the saddle.

Let angle solve the problem.

By changing the angle, the pressure given by an ordinary saddle can be reduced by 30% to 35%.






- Continuous prostate pressure and saddle sores in long distance riding


- Can't ride long due to Muscle Fatigue.


- My saddle doesn't provide a comfortable ride.





1. Up Hill Climber

2. City Road

3. Off Road

4. Down Hill






1. Benefits in Uphill & Downhill Riding 

During Uphill & Downhill riding, the weight imbalance and uncomfortable posture of the rider caused by continuous changes in the hill style result in ineffective pedaling.

By simply changing the angle of rider's saddle to change the weight balance, the rider can push  the pedals more easily, and effectively deliver their full strength to the pedals.


2. Benefits of Automation 

Female cyclists frequently experience saddle pain(Muscle pain) when riding uphill due to the fixed position of the saddle.

With the automated system, the saddle changes to the optimal posture for the rider and deliver the most comfortable conditions.


3. Benefits Off Road and on City Roads

During off road cycling and City commuting, a bicycle transfers the impact of obstacles on the road directly to the rider. Our suspension system automatically absorbs the shock and provides a comfortable and relaxing experience for the rider. 


4. Health Benefits 

As the riding condition of the bicycle is enhanced by Sangle Fit, elderly riders can cycle for longer, both in terms of distance and time duration.

This helps the rider to be healthier and happier.