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TOGUARD All-in-One Chemical Absorbent & Neutralization Agent

TOGUARD All-in-One Chemical Absorbent & Neutralization Agent
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Country of sale IT,CN,IN,SG,PL,FI,JP
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Email david@gtscien.com

The TOGUARD Chemical Absorbent and Neutralizing Agent offers the best protection

to researchers, neutralizing up to 2/3s of the toxic gases and fumes that are generated

during spills

TOGUARD simplifies the spillage response process and greatly reduces the time it

takes to treat and clean up spills, minimizing injuries, damage to the surroundings,

and pollution. 

Spills are safely absorbed and neutralized, preventing further bodily injury and

property damage from fire, explosions, and pollution. 

TOGUARD is manufactured from ingredients that are used in food products and

cosmetics and are proven safe for humans. 

TOGUARD is extremely absorbent, even in small quantities. 


TOGUARD Chemical Absorbent and Neutralizing Agent offers the best spill protection. 


Simplify your spillage response, reduce spill treatment and clean-up time and minimize

risk of bodily harm, property damage and pollution.

