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3D high-precision mapping scanner

3D high-precision mapping scanner
Brand Mobiltech
Payment T/T
Country of sale US
Price 60000 60000
Lead Time inquiry to company inquiry to company
Email changhoon.kim@mobiltech.io


MMS / SLAM Dual mode LiDAR scanner


DL-Replica is a high-precision 3D mapping system.


DL-Replica supports both MMS and SLAM methods, so you can choose the

mapping method that suits your purpose whether it be indoors or outdoors.


DL-Replica is suitable for various platforms such as drones, robots, and



Now, you can make your own 3D color point cloud map with MOBILTECH’s



1. Customization


MOBILTECH’s SW is mounted on DL-Replica, and MOBILTECH will customize it to suit your needs.


With our own development, we eliminate price piles and provide DL-Replica


at about half the price of comparable overseas equipment.



2. Simple and easy to use

The sensor system is easy to fit and install, so everyone can operate it.


DL-Replica for 3D scanning and process the data, after taking simple courses.



3.Day and night

You can scan day and night using the LiDAR sensor which uses using laser to


scan a special camera such as a thermal imaging camera or infrared camera.



4. Check 3D data in real time 

DL-Replica is a powerful mapping system that supports both SLAM andMMS.


In SLAM mode, 3D data can be checked simultaneously with scanning.


When using MMS mode more precise point cloud data can be acquired via post- processing ,


a location tracking function is also available. 





1. Optimized for multipurpose data collection and mapping


2. A MOBILTECH multi mount is also offered for handheld,

vehicles, drones, etc. 


3. High reliability sensors and LiDAR dual return are used


4. Accurate calibration between sensors′ data + Sensor

 customization available


5. MOBILTECH LiDAR Mapping SW included