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기업정보 표
센터명 안산대학교 창업보육센터 기업명 (주)두드림
창업일 2010-03-30 사업자번호 134-86-65334
입주일 2010-06-24 홈페이지
주소 경기도 안산시 상록구 안산대학로 155 안산대학교 창업보육센터 (일동)
기업분류 기계/장비제조업 주력상품 물 환원 장치

 Portable Alkali water converter(DOD-500) is Dodream's main product that converts drink-able water into alkali reduced water within 20 minutes.
It also has a strong point that it can convert the water into 100% alkali hydrogen reduced water with no wasting of water.
In addition, you can use it easily anytime and anywhere as this is portable. As environment-friendly materials are used, your health is not threatened by environmental hormone.